Examples of use and Applications

It is recommended to use the Indian Plate hanging at heart level, as the Heart Chakra is responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Use in direct contact with the skin, hanging or attached with adhesive tape

1st Case - Acting time: 30 seconds to 15 minutes.


Examples: headache, toothache, stomach pain, ear pain, muscle pain, back pain, limb pain, menstrual cramps, etc

Place the Indian Plate, in the place where it is hurting or in the affected area, there will be an increase in temperature of the Indian Plate, however bearable and in a matter of a few minutes (the process varies from 1 to 15 minutes) the pain will go away completely.

The pain may increase in intensity for a few minutes before complete relief. After 15 minutes and you don't feel any difference, move on to the 2nd Step.
Change the Indian Plate position, placing it on the Chakra or Meridian closest to the location of the pain. (see chapter on Chakras and meridians).

If you place the Indian Plate in the correct location you will soon notice, as you will have the feeling that the Indian Plate has "stuck" to your skin.

A phenomenon that we call magnetic attraction may also occur, that is, if you do not place the Indian Plate in the exact location, but close to it, it may move and stop in the location where it needs to change polarity (see explanation of the process scientific function).

Note that in the chapter on Chakras and meridians there is a table listing the organs corresponding to them.

Instead of placing the Indian Plate on the Chakra closest to the pain, you can consult this chart and locate the correct Chakra to be energized with the Indian Plate.
After executing the 1st and 2nd steps and not obtaining the desired result, the pain you are feeling does not originate from the same place where it is manifesting itself.

The Indian Plate is not a medicine, it is not an analgesic.

It only deals with energizing the cause of the problem and not the effect.

Ex: People who have eaten spoiled food may experience a severe headache.

When placing the Indian Plate on your head, the pain will not go away, as it will be treating the effect.

In this case, when placing the Indian Plate in the stomach, the energization will instantly cause vomiting of the substances that were harming the proper functioning of the body.

The Indian Plate took action to address the cause of the problem.

To discover the correct location, chakra or meridian to place the Indian Plate, use a pendulum and it will help you a lot.

2nd Case - Acting time: 30 seconds to 2 hours.

Examples: Canker sores, heartburn, nasal congestion, cramps, difficult digestion, fever, gas, insomnia, food poisoning, blood pressure, cough, vomiting, burning in the stomach, sweating and swelling, nervous tension.

3rd Case - Acting time: 1 to 10 days

Example: Pain Resulting from Internal Problems

Some pain problems in some parts of the body originate from inflammation or infections.

Example: A football player suffers an injury to his legs.

This could hurt the bones and cause them to become inflamed.

The pain caused by this inflammation could be eternal if that inflammation is not removed.

When placing the Indian Plate in this location in the first few days, notice that yellowish spots will begin to appear in the location, resembling a "pimple".

Then those points will swell until they "come to a hole" and leak all that dead substance that was inside the body.

The Indian Plate works by attracting out of the body what is damaging inside.

4th Case - Action time: varies between days, weeks and even months, depending on the case.

Chronic Problems and More Complicated Problems

Examples: Allergy, arteriosclerosis, aphonia, alcoholism, anemia, arthritis, bronchitis, cysts, sore throat, gastritis, hepatitis, infections, inflamed skin spots, etc.

Location of 14 Chakras for Use of the Indian Plate and Its Indications

1) Crown Chakra
2) Front Chakra
3) Ajna Chakra
4) Laryngeal Chakra
5A) Cardiac Chakra
5B) Back Heart Chakra
6A) Solar Plexus Chakra
6B) Back Plexus Chakra
7A) Explenic Chakra
7B) Spleen Chakra
8) Umbilical Chakra
9) Meng Mein Chakra
10) Sacral Chakra
11) Basic or Root Chakra




1) Crown
Upper part of the brain and eyes (most common on the right).
Physical and psychological illnesses related to the brain and pineal gland, decreased vision, insomnia, neuritis, hearing loss, cataracts, stuttering, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, depression, phobia, hysteria and paranoia.
2) Front
Nervous system and pineal gland.
Depression, discouragement, headache caused by the nervous system, stroke, insomnia, paralysis and epilepsy, mental insanity, memory loss, calms the nervous system.
3) AJNA (Between the eyebrows)
Master chakra, directs the other chakras and corresponding endocrine glands (plus the pineal and pituitary), nose and neighboring organs, lower part of the brain, ears, eyes (plus the left one), and nervous system. It acts on the 5 senses, (plus vision), and reasoning. It is the center of the will.
Cancer, allergies, asthma, diseases related to the endocrine glands and eyes, anxiety, type 2 diabetes, sinusitis, stopping colds, addictions and emotional resentment.
4) Laryngeal (Center of the throat)
Thyroid gland, throat, parathyroid, vocal cords, some influence on the sexual chakra, respiratory tract (mouth, nose, trachea and lungs) pharynx, bronchial apparatus and alimentary canal. It acts on the senses of hearing, smell and taste. Center of concentration and assimilation. Seat of personality.
Diseases related to the throat and thyroid (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, etc.) spleen, asthma, loss of voice, colds, flu, herpes and respiratory problems, reduced immune responses, increasing the risk of viral and bacterial infections, cough caused by flu, regulates a woman's hormonal system, lack of concentration and heartache.
5A) Cardiac (Center of the Chest at Heart Level)
Thymus gland, heart, circulatory system extremely linked to chakras 6A and 8 vagus nerve and blood, governs feelings of love, gratitude, compassion, etc.
Heart and circulatory diseases (varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombosis, labyrinthitis, arrhythmia, heart problems) center responsible for vital balance, cholesterol, bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary emphysema, leg pain caused by cramps. Tension and stress.
5B) Dorsal Heart (On the Back Opposite the Heart)
Lungs and bronchi, to a lesser extent the heart and thymus. For serious heart problems, energization must be done in this chakra.
Lung problems such as bronchitis, bronchiophobia and pulmonary eczema, cough, asthma, etc.
6A) Solar Plexus (Hollow area between the Ribs, Above the Navel)
Pancreas gland, stomach, adrenal glands, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, diaphragm, intestines, appendix, to a certain extent the lungs, heart and the entire body. Controls the body's temperature. Compensating center of energy between the upper and inner chakras.
Skin and pancreatic problems, fever, appendicitis, some neck problems, ulcers, hepatitis, heart problems, digestive and urinary tract disorders, glycemic imbalance, type 1 diabetes, hypoglycemia and gastritis, paranoia, apprehension, worry, anxiety , obsession and negative emotions.
7A) Splenic (Median position of the last Left Floating Rib)

7B) Dorsal Spleen (On the Back, opposite the Splenic)
Greatest entry point for energy and vitality, radiates energy to the other chakras and throughout the body, supplies the spleen, the blood purifying organ. Strong connection with chakra 8.
General illnesses, low vitality and weak body. Not beating results through other chakras, place the Indian Plate in this location.
8) Umbilical (Over the Navel)
Intestines (all organs linked to the digestive system) adrenal glands, pancreas, appendix, gallbladder, esophagus and liver. Linked to feelings and emotions.
Diseases related to the intestines such as intestinal colic, constipation, umbilical hernia, appendicitis, constipation, difficulties in childbirth, low vitality, bronchial and respiratory disorders, muscle spasms, cramps and colic, hormonal disorders and imbalance, resentment, embarrassment and feelings of depression.
9) Meng Mein (On the Back opposite the Umbilical)
Kidneys, adrenal and adrenal glands, blood pressure, pumping station responsible for the flow of energy from chakra 11 up the spine.
Back problems, high and low blood pressure (more like high), low vitality, kidney problems such as colic or kidney malfunctions.
10) Sacrum (Pubic Area between the Sexual Organ and Navel)
Sexual organs, bladder, legs, reproductive system and gonad glands. Connected to chakras no. 3, 4 and 11.
Sexual and bladder problems, menstrual cramps, fibroids, cysts, ovarian inflammation, menopause problems, sexual impotence, prostatitis, leg pain caused by the uterus.
11) Basic or Root (Base of the Spine "Backbone", Sacral Vertebrae or Coaxil)
Bladder, kidneys, adrenal glands and sexual organs, bones, muscles, blood and all internal organs, spine, central and peripheral nervous system, urinary and reproductive system, general vitality, regulates body temperature and blood pressure, filters all the energy emanating from the soil of planet Earth, center of self-survival and self-preservation.
Sexual problems, fever, cancer, leukemia, low vitality, allergy, asthma, growth problems in children and psychological disorders, anemia, iron deficiency, poor circulation, low blood pressure, fatigue, low muscle ionicity, muscular atrophy, insufficiency of the supra renal. hemorrhoid, spur, frigidity, chagas diseases, epicondylitis and gout rheumatism.