Some benefits that Indian Plates can offer

Healing and balance of the four lower bodies
(the physical, vital, emotional and mental)

  • Realignment of energy centers (chakras);

  • Greater mental clarity;

  • Stress reduction;

  • Assistance in balancing emotions;

  • Removal of toxins from the system. (for people with constipation, regulates the daily frequency of bowel movements)

  • Removal of blockages;

  • Acceleration of all biological healing processes (action on the cause);

  • Removal of “unwanted” spiritual attachments (spiritual obsession)

  • Psychic surgery;

  • Expansion of Consciousness;

  • For women, greater control of premenstrual symptoms and combats PMS;

  • Helps with cell regeneration (vitiligo, dermatitis, etc.)

  • It helps in the rejuvenation of cells, to do this, simply wet a cotton pad with energized water and wipe it over your face.

  • It has a closed energy circuit and everything that is energized by it is not lost or dispersed.

  • Provides a “centering” and balance for the neurons, removing the “noise” from the neuronal network and helping in the synapses.

  • Brings a feeling of lightness, clarity and joy to whoever uses it.
  • Works with the inner child (the one who represents the child’s life in feeling and purity when it is not yet tainted).

  • Activates vital energy as if we became children again (watch a child see how it looks like they are plugged in…)

  • It balances maladjusted and disharmonious aspects, equalizes the Yin and Yang from a cell, passing to an organ and finally to whole body.

  • Helps the person to awaken self-love, helps them to look up, be more positive.

  • It operates on the physical and psychic plane, magnetising the person who starts to look into themselves. Used for only a couple of hours, twice a week and that’s enough.

  • More than that, develops paranormal powers such as astral travel, telepathy, teleportation and any interdimensional change, due to the opening of psychic channels in the brain.

  • When using it continuously with you, we suggest giving it a specific function, for example: protection, curing an addiction, curing chronic pain.

  • We can, for example, offer the harmonic frequency of the plate to the body’s elemental, as it has received many negative programming throughout our lives.

  • We must always command it with our mind because it is programmable with our mental energy. If you are healthy and simply hang it around your neck using it as a pendant, it will act on its own to open the channels.

  • Through it we access all the colors we need and the divine intelligence that lives within each one. The colors are emanated as if they were laser beams, pulsating according to the needs we are having at the moment. It works with the selected rays as the person needs and goes up to the upper octaves seven by seven until reaching infinite mixtures and proportions.

  • It brings the qualities of the four elements, earth, water, fire and air and also of the quintessence

  • Can be associated with any healing process, for example: radiesthesia, etc.

  • In a greater understanding, Indian Plate is commanded by Mikael, Melquisedec and Metatron.