The main advantages of using Indian Plates

The Indian Plate energy field is highly beneficial and acts to remove pain instantly

Bringing harmonization between the physical body and the energetic bodies of living beings, causing a feeling of well-being for those who use it

Increase your energy

Accelerated Healing Process

For people who are sick and therefore have a lack of energy, the recovery process accelerates.

In the case of healthy people, wearing the Indian Plate as a pendant, or in their pocket throughout the day brings energy for everyday life and these people can even reduce their sleeping hours as the energy that is spent daily is replenished in large quantities, which due to the energization process.
Small, light and infinitely durable device

Exciting and Innovative

The Indian Plate, this large Bio-energy capturing antenna has broken record times among common pranic generators that act through the process of capturing and activating cosmic energy, acting faster than the crystal pyramid with the great advantage of not discharge, does not saturate and because it is simple and quick to use.

Another great advantage of Indian Plate is the fact that it acts on anyone regardless of whether they believe it or not, in its power, that is, it is not necessary to use faith or mental power for it to act.

Container without saturating, so there is no need to clean it.

It does not lose its energy capacity and its durability is infinite.
removes toxins and cleanses

Energizing, Powerful and Effective​

To visibly see the energizing power of Indian Plate you can see the mutation that this energy causes to occur in alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

As these substances are harmful to health, the action of this energy changes the PH of beer, for example, making it sweeter, without acidity and there is a reduction in the alcoholic content, this in 7 minutes.

In the case of cigarettes, after 24 hours of contact with Indian Plate it loses a large part of the nicotine and tar, changing its flavor.

When it used at the level of the heart, it will stimulate the thymus gland, acting as a blood purifier, helping in the formation of leukocytes

Wearing the Indian Plate as a pendant, or in their pocket throughout the day brings energy for everyday life.

Keep your body healthy with high vibration​

Simple device that has many advantages

It helps maintain the balance of sodium and potassium in the body which, in turn, facilitates control of water balance and normalizes heart rhythms.

It has effective action on cerebrospinal meningitis, contusions, epilepsy and any other nervous or mental disorders such as obsessional neurosis and personality disorders.

Relieves neuralgia and problems associated with the eyes, ears and nose.

The lungs, liver and brains can also be successfully treated using Indian Plate. Clavic pain and nervous disorders, in general, are treated through the use of Indian Plate.
Well-being and balance

Raising the Frequency of Light in the Human Being

Indian Plate aims to bring about well-being and balance, emitting energetic vibrations that propagate at a certain frequency, producing chemical and physical changes in a subtle way in human beings, interfering with their metabolism.

It acts on the four lower bodies, that is, on the physical, etheric, emotional and mental levels.

These plates are made in two sizes, the first measuring 30 x 50 mm, the biggest measuring 90 x 150 mm.

Just one of the smaller plates is enough to create mountains of magic.

Their atomic structure has been altered so that they resonate with a high frequency vibration of the life energy force in a complex way in connection with the known energy of the "ions".

Regular use of Indian Plate can increase energy levels up to 33,000 angstrom

In chemistry, an ion is a molecule or atom that has gained or lost electrons in a process known as ionization.

Indian Plate have an energy field capable of penetrating Any living thing, plant, animal or man.

Life force energy or prana can be measured in several ways. One of them is through radionic equipment.

Using this measurement system, the energy level of a not fully enlightened man or woman would register, say, 6500 angstrom days on the Biometric Ruler scale.

When such a person uses an Indian plate the reading instantly increases to 10,000 or 15,000 angstrom.

However, continued use of the Indian Plate gradually raises the person's energy up to 33,000 angstrom, which is the measure of the pyramid's energy, especially.

Thus, the use of this New Age “magic” will inevitably increase the frequency rate of your angstrom units per second, which is a clear benefit for your spiritual evolution, as well as for your journey towards cellular regeneration.

The exact functioning of the Indian Plates should not worry you as much as what they can do for you.

Did you know that there is a certain type of water that is more beneficial than regular filtered water?

The water I'm referring to is structured water, H3O2, different from typical tap water which is H2O

Energized water contains alkaline minerals

Structured Water (H3O2)

Energized water has been used for millennia to accelerate the recovery of sick people and when taken by healthy people, it strengthens the body, preventing health problems.

Energized water becomes magnetized, as energization changes the molecular structure of the water, making it purer and totally beneficial for people, animals and plants.

You will be able to feel the difference between regular filtered water and a energized water.

The energized one has a sweeter appearance and the sensation we get when drinking it is that it is less dense.

There are 4 phases of water: * Solid, Liquid, Vapor and Structured – in this case, H3O2.

Simple leave the Indian Plate under a glass container and wait at least 30 minutes

Advantages of drinking Structured Water (H3O2)

1. It acts like a battery, as its cells and extracellular tissues are filled with structured water (H3O2), which has a negative charge, storing and releasing energy. Additionally, sunlight and infrared saunas increase its production, with a positive effect on blood flow and cardiovascular health.

2. This is the type of water that your cells have and that promotes the access of positive charge (protons) into cellular structures. Your organelles need this to function properly. At the same time, the negative charge (electrons) remains in the water surrounding the cell, where it helps to synthesize sulfate.

3. To produce Structured Water, simply leave the Indian Plate under a container (preferably glass) wait at least 30 minutes and drink this water throughout the day.

4. You will notice that the water will become lighter and have a sweeter taste, it will no longer have an acidic PH (below 6) and will have an alkaline PH (above 7 and can reach up to 13.5)

5. Scientific studies also prove that to avoid cancer we have to keep the pH of our cells Alkaline.
Consuming energized water brings many benefits


People who suffer from pain spread throughout the body should drink water energized by the Indian Plate (two to three liters per day) and within a week they will notice a drastic change for the better, when the complete cure of this ailment does not occur within a or two weeks.

Indian Plate Action In The Aura, Making it More Harmonic and Active

This envelope can range from a few meters to a few kilometers in enlightened beings such as Jesus and Buddha.

Chakras are vital magnetic centers of the human being

The Action of Indian Plate on the Chakras, Making them more Active

Chakras are responsible for capturing and distributing Cosmic energy throughout the entire body.

Literature diverges regarding the number of chakras in the human body, some say 144,000, others 75,000, and still 250,000, etc.

But we know for sure that there are 7 main major chakras, and for this manual we have highlighted 14 of them for Indian Plate use.

According to the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, chakras are not just energy centers, but centers of consciousness.

The densest, rudest and most animalized people have their consciousness focused on the lower centers, and the more spiritualized and subtle ones, on the higher centers.

The more spiritual the individual is, the more aware they are of their chakras and how to use them with ease and wisdom.

Spiritualists have chakras with greater ease, brighter colors and a faster speed of rotation while materialists have smaller, opaque ones and very slow speed.

It is these factors in the chakras that determine the amount of cosmic energy that the body will receive because the chakras function as a buffer for the energy we receive from the universe.

Our body does not have the capacity to assimilate energy with the power that emanates from the universe, so it is transformed, diminished, reduced to a power that the body can support without causing a short circuit in our body's energy system.
The Etheric field has 3 major components: nadis, chakras and an aura

Etherical Body, Chakras and Meridians

Cosmic energy follows a path from the moment it arrives in our body, passing through the Chakras and continuing on to the complexes, a tangle of nerves and vessels also called meridians.

Energy comes from the cosmos at an ultra-fast speed and when it reaches us it is dampened and its intensity reduced so that we can withstand it.

The cushioning is done by a protection system that exists around the physical body.

At approximately 2.5 cm from the skin there is a layer of protection called Double-Ethereal or Ethereal body (the word comes from "ETHER", an intermediate state between energy and matter).

The Ethereal Double forms a perfect mold around the body including the internal organs.

It is made up of tiny lines of energy like a web of light rays (imagine Spider-Man's clothes).

These lines of force revolve around the physical body, pulsing at a rate of 15 to 20 cycles per minute, reaching a speed of 30 centimeters per second.

This web of energy surrounds all our internal organs and it is what shapes and firms the physical matter of the body's tissues.

Physical tissues only exist as such because of the vital field that supports this mechanism, receiving and modeling cosmic energy, feeding the lines of energy of the ethereal body and this in turn sustains our entire physical body, internal organs and psychological conditions, feelings, psychic and spiritual functions.

Indian Plate acts on the aura, restoring, cleansing, strengthening and protecting

Making The Aura More Harmonic

The aura is an energy field that surrounds the body, protecting it like an envelope of light.

This envelope can range from a few meters to a few kilometers in enlightened beings such as Jesus and Buddha.

In addition to length, color is decisive in knowing a person's emotional and health status.

When we become ill, the aura retracts and its color acquires dark tones, making us susceptible to attacks from disharmonious energies, which tends to worsen our condition even further.

In the processes of spiritual harassment, the aura and chakras (especially the Solar Plexus) are the targets.

In the same way that it acts on the chakras, Indian Plate acts on the aura, restoring, cleansing, strengthening and protecting.
visualize the state of the aura allows treatment to be advanced
Nowadays it is possible to visualize the state of the aura through a process called Kirlian Photography.

Pay attention to the fact that a Kirlian photograph is not a photo of the aura, but rather a photographic record of an electrical phenomenon influenced by it and recorded on a common film.

Using this photograph, it is possible to analyze the patient's general condition on the most diverse levels, and even diagnose illnesses several months in advance, as the energetic bodies precede the physical one.

This allows treatment to be advanced, often preventing the onset of the disease.

Your glands play a role in almost every bodily function

Endocrine glands secrete hormones to your bloodstream,
Exocrine glands secrete other substances to your body's exterior

visualize the state of the aura allows treatment to be advanced

In the Endocrine Glands for Body Balance

A series of activities in the human body are controlled and stimulated by the glands.

There are exocrine glands, which secrete secretions out of the bloodstream (e.g. sweat, salivary, etc.).

The glands that release their chemicals into the bloodstream are called endocrine glands.

We have 4 glands in full activity and 3 glands of the future (they will work when man is more evolved)
Indian Plate Glands In Man
Indian Plate Glands In Woman

Glands in Activity

Thyroid and Parathyroid

Thyroid produces hormones called thyroxine that control bone growth and metabolism rate.

The hormone produced by Parathyroid maintains calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood and stimulates bone reabsorption.

For every 10 people, 9 suffer from thyroidism or hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Hyper is when the thyroid works more than it should, leading to hyperactivityHypo is when the thyroid works less than it should, leading to lethargy.


It produces adrenaline, regulates the balance of salts and water in the body, maintains blood pressure, acts on the immune system and regulates the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.


The pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone that regulates the use of glucose by the body. A deficiency in the production of insulin or the inhibition of its action on cells causes the disease called Diabetes.


They are sexual glands, represented in men by the testicles and in the woman by the ovaries.

The testicles are responsible for producing the hormone testosterone.

The ovaries are frizzy due to the production of estrogen hormones progesterone.

Glands of the Future


Produces anandone and thymocricin.

Its specific function is to promote the body's defense against infections.

It is the most important organ in this role.

Pineal or Hepiphysis

It produces a hormone called mylatonin.

When a human being can produce this hormone, he or she can cure any and all diseases, including AIDS.

Pituitary or Pituitary

It is considered the most important control gland in the body.

It secretes hormones (thyrotriphin) that stimulate and control the function of all other endocrine glands.

Promotes growth and controls the body's water balance.

All models of the Indian Plate have a Pentagram engraved within a Hexagram on the back side

Pentagrams represent the physical body and Hexagrams the light body


The Pentagram or Star of Solomon symbol

The Pentagram represents Man (microcosm) in his perfect health before the Universe (macrocosm).

In magic we always have the Pentagram and the Hexagram as maximum symbols, as the great Master Paracelsus said, The Pentagram (known in occultism as Tetragrammaton) can be used both for the purest Theurgy (white magic), when one of the ends is to top, as well as black magic when inverted.

The same cannot be done with the Hexagram, or Solomon's Seal as it is called in occultism.

The Hexagram symbol (star with 6 points) known as the Shield of David or the Seal of Solomon

The hexagram is a fantastic symbol, as its archetype has the power to balance any type of vibration or energy.

This symbol is made up of two triangles.

The triangle facing downwards represents Divine Grace returning to Earth.

The upward-facing triangle represents man in search of his spiritual fulfillment.

For a better understanding, we must know that we have two types of energy that are considered primordial: Cosmic energy and Telluric energy, called Fohat and Kundalini in Theosophy, respectively.

In this symbol we find the ideal, with both energies in perfect balance, with the center of the hexagon being the seventh point or balance.

Symbol of MIKAEL, the Sixth Lord.

These two symbols have a lot of power and a very important role in the occultism

In the hexagram, the triangle with the apex facing downwards represents cosmic energy and the triangle with the apex facing downwards represents telluric energy (of the earth).

As is always taught by the Masters, only the balance between both energies promotes personal or environmental well-being.

The excess or lack of cosmic or telluric energies generates imbalance.

This symbol, or graphic, is used to balance energies, which come from any type of imbalance.

In particular, the Hexagram United to the Pentagram has proven to be very efficient in cleansing or breaking energies originating from black magic.

Furthermore, the Hexagram surrounding the Pentagram neutralizes the negative energy that could be generated when the Pentagram is inverted.
It means the descent of Light, Power, Energy.

The meanings of Reiki symbols


It is used when there is a limit of time and space, to heal the physical body, bringing a large amount of cosmic energy to the place where it is applied.
For Healing the Emotional Body and Subconscious, symbol of harmony

Sei He Ki

It works on the unconscious, undesirable habits, addictions, karmic records, memories of other experiences, modifying and eliminating them.

IMPORTANT: this symbol increases creativity and the ability to find new solutions to old problems.

It is the symbol that works with the will to overcome obstacles and with the power to change, renew.
Its use allows an immediate connection between the “Higher Self”

Dai Ko Myo

This Symbol makes our energy volume unlimited.

Just as the resonance of CHOKU REI is more intense in the PHYSICAL BODY, SEI HE KI acts on the EMOTIONAL body, DAI KO MYO acts in connection with the SPIRITUAL body.
The meaning of your colors

Indian Plate Colors

Indian Plates are available in different colors.

The blue color is a tribute to the angels of Venus, beings of the fifth hierarchy that operate on Earth.

The violet color used on the Indian Plate is the one that most expresses man's spiritual life on the physical plane, violet light is located in the chromatic spectrum in the range that goes from 380 to 440 nanometers.

Its considered the first color in the spectrum because it has the shortest wavelength.

The color violet acts from physical levels to the most subtle, it remains in resonance with a high frequency vibration which we call vital energy force.

The frequency of radiation is what makes the color of the Indian Plate introspective to man.

The vibration of the violet color, for example, is approximately 750 THz (trillions of times per second), being as penetrating as ultraviolet radiation waves.

The color violet is a tribute to Master St Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Violet Ray.