"I was in a lot of pain and worried,
the blood was pouring out of my foot non-stop"

"I had such an amazing feeling of relief, which left me calmer and I was able to have a pleasant night's sleep".

Who Am I?

My name is João Paulo (JP), I graduated in Computer Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (Brazil).

Since 2014 I have been interested in topics related to health, nutrition and physical activities.

I moved to Sydney in 2016 to improve my English, I ended up falling in love with Australia as I identify a lot with the country.

At the end of 2022, I started to become interested in subjects such as exopolitics, extraterrestrial life, spirituality and ancient civilizations.

I came across an esoteric product that the creator said it promotes healing and balance of the four lower bodies (the physical, vital, emotional and mental), also other uses such as energizing water and food.
For being such a curious person, I decided to buy "some plates" to see if it really works.

The first impression I had was pretty good.

I liked the sensation when touching the plate, from the first contact.

I ended up buying more plates, different styles and colors!

I also bought the large size plate to see how powerful they are.

In the afternoon of the 16th day of August, I had an incredible healing experience that changed my life completely.

I was on Bondi Beach at the rocks, when I suddenly noticed a deep cut on the big toe of my left foot.
it was bleeding nonstop

That moment was the perfect time to test its effectiveness

The pain was unbearable, the blood was pouring out of my foot non-stop, I just wanted to go home and bandage it up.

When I got home, I immediately took a shower and while I was cleaning my toe, I remembered that I had the Indian Plates.

That moment was the perfect time to test its effectiveness!

After an hour that I fixed the Indian Plate under my toe, I could feel my foot warming up and the Indian Plate was pretty hot too!
João Paulo

I had such an amazing feeling of relief, which left me calmer and I was able to have a pleasant night's sleep. I had a feeling that some kind of energy was there taking care of my foot. When I woke up the next morning, I realized that I was no longer in pain, it was an incredible experience, I had never felt anything like that in my life!!

My friend said "The power of these Indian Plates is unbelievable"

I started receiving positive feedback

I told some friends and family members about Indian Plate, bought a few more to give as gifts and other models that I ended up being interested in.

I started receiving positive feedback from friends who were using the Indian Plate, then it dawned on me that the Indian Plate also worked with other people.

I was actually looking for a product that could help in simple, quick and effective way.

After noticing these positive results in such a short space of time, I've decided to create this project to be able to impact as many people as possible, improving the health and lives of many Australians and people around the World.

I am grateful for this opportunity 🙏
It all started because of a nuclear accident

"It's a gift to humanity to alleviate people's pain and health problems"

The history behind its creation is very interesting and spiritual.

In 1992, the creator was meditating about a nuclear accident in 1987, which was the second biggest nuclear accident in the world.

He was thinking “if there’s a substance that can destroy our cells, there might be another substance that can heal our cells”.

On the same day after going to sleep, he mentioned having a dream that someone appeared and taught him how the Indian Plate should be made.

After carrying out several experiments with positive results, he began producing it on a large scale.

It was mentioned to him that Indian Plates are a gift to humanity to alleviate people's pain and health problems.

More than a million of Indian Plates have been sold already, it’s becoming popular all around the World!

The Powerful Indian Plate has already changed
the lives of more than a million people!!!

What are you waiting for to secure yours?